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Cyber-Security Practitioner

Program Year (2023-2024)

About the Program

The Associate of Science Degree in Cyber-Security Practitioner will provide our community with a workforce of highly skilled digital security professionals well versed in industry standards and best practices. This program is designed to prepare students for employment in a cybersecurity related field and successfully pass globally recognized industry certifications. Upon completion of this program students will have the skills required for an entry level career as a cyber-security practitioner.

Program Requirements

For current program requirements -> 2024-2025

Program Goal: Career
GE Pattern(s): Butte Local
Program Code: 40710.01AS

Program Learning Outcome(s):

Upon successful completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  • Implement and analyze access control including policies, standards, and procedures that define who users are, what they can do, which resources they can access, and what operations they can perform on a system.

  • Administer a secure network environment through: identification of information assets, documentation of policies, standards, procedures and guidelines that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

  • Explain security analysis planning and scoping, conduct information gathering and vulnerability identification, and create reports and communicate results of security tests.

  • Implement processes essential to control of loss associated with uncertain events by analyzing risk, recovery and response.

  • Analyze and protect systems from malicious code and use countermeasures and prevention techniques for dealing with viruses, worms, logic bombs, Trojan horses and other related forms of intentionally created deviant code.

  • Engineer, integrate and implement secure solutions in complex enterprise environments to build resilient networks.

  • Describe and analyze the network structures, transmission methods and techniques, transport formats and security measures used to operate both private and public communication networks.

Click Here for Program Map

Required courses:
32 - 37 Units
Required Core
Complete One Track:
Systems Administration


Luke Sathrum, Chair
(530) 895-2219

Department Office: AHPS 251
(530) 895-2531

Counseling and Advising:
(530) 895-2378

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